Peer Review

Peer review plays an important role in providing feedback and constructive criticism on a published piece of work. At it’s core, it is a way to improve, contextualize, and clarify papers.

Why provide peer review?
1) The ultimate stamp of approval of your scientific findings is their acceptance and development by other scientists. One way to get feedback on your science is through peer review.
2) We often make each other better scientists by providing constructive criticism on idea/experiment.
3) You want others to review your work! This is a service to the community.
4) You can strengthen your scientific ideas through learning what and how others are approaching scientific problems.

Machine Learning-Enhanced Drug Discovery for BACE1: A Novel Approach to Alzheimer’s Therapeutics.
Sangeet S.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz S

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AlphaFold Meets Flow Matching for Generating Protein Ensembles.
Jing B, Berger B, Jaakkola T.

Reviewed by:
Jansen F, Ravikumar A, Wankowicz SA, Fraser JS

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Prediction of Ca 2+ binding site in proteins with a fast and accurate method based on statistical mechanics and analysis of crystal structures.
Basit A, Choudhury D, Bandyopadhyay P.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz SA

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    Peer Review
  • Biorxiv Preprint v583063: 583063
  • 11048024

Metric Ion Classification (MIC): A deep learning tool for assigning ions and waters in cryo-EM and x-ray crystallography structures.
Shub L, Liu W, Skiniotis G, Keiser M, Robertson M.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz SA

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    Peer Review
  • Biorxiv Preprint v585639: 585639
  • 8128617

Cryo-EM and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Hidden Conformational Dynamics Controlling Ammonia Transport in Human Asparagine Synthetase.
Coricello A, Zhu W, Lupia A, Gratteri C, Vos M, Chaptal V, Alcaro S, Takagi Y, Richards N.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz S, Fraser JS

Representative Image
    Peer Review
  • Biorxiv Preprint v541009: 541009
  • 8128617

The mineralocorticoid receptor forms higher order oligomers upon DNA binding.
Fettweis G, Johnson TA, Almeida-Prieto B, Presman DM, Hager GL, Alvarez de la Rosa D.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz S, Bergmann L, Fraser JS

Representative Image

Cryo-EM structure and B-factor refinement with ensemble representation.
Cragnolini T, Beton J, Topf M.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz S, Fraser JS

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Resolving Individual-Atom of Protein Complex using Commonly Available 300-kV Cryo-electron Microscopes.
Zhang K, Pintilie GD, Li S, Schmid MF, and Chiu W.

Reviewed by:
Wankowicz S, Fraser JS

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